1. Dates
  2. Keynote Speakers
  3. Call for Papers
  4. Schedule
  5. Accepted Papers
  6. Awards
  7. Organizers and PC
  8. Previous Workshops

21st International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs

9th September (2024), Vilnius, jointly with ECMLPKDD2024

Picture of Vilnius. Source: https://www.govilnius.lt/photos-of-vilnius?gallery=61714fc6e6288d4d14cb7b58&img=65a4f34bb0f1bcfb87ce7928

Important Dates

Keynote Speakers

Call for Papers

This workshop is a forum for exchanging ideas and methods for mining and learning with graphs, developing new common understandings of the problems at hand, sharing data sets where applicable, and leveraging existing knowledge from different disciplines. The goal is to bring together researchers from academia and industry to create a forum for discussing recent advances in graph analysis. In doing so, we aim to understand better the overarching principles and the limitations of current methods and to inspire research on new algorithms and techniques for mining and learning with graphs.

To reflect the broad scope of work on mining and learning with graphs, we encourage submissions that span the spectrum from theoretical analysis to algorithms and implementation to applications and empirical studies. We are interested in the full spectrum of graph data, including but not limited to attributed graphs, labeled graphs, knowledge graphs, evolving graphs, transactional graph databases, etc.

We therefore invite submissions on theoretical aspects, algorithms and methods, and applications of the following (non-exhaustive) list of areas:

We welcome many kinds of papers, such as, but not limited to:

Submission Guidelines Authors should clearly indicate in their abstracts the kinds of submissions that the papers belong to, to help reviewers better understand their contributions. All papers will be peer-reviewed (single-blind). Submissions must be in PDF, long papers no more than 12 pages long, short papers no more than 8 pages long, formatted according to the standard Springer LNCS style required for ECMLPKDD submissions. References and appendix do not count towards the page limit. The accepted papers will be published on the workshop’s website and will not be considered archival for resubmission purposes. Authors whose papers are accepted to the workshop will have the opportunity to participate in a pitch and poster session, and the best four will also be chosen for oral presentation.

Papers should be submitted via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ECMLPKDDWorkshops2024/
Please select the track MLG: 21st Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs

Dual Submission Policy We accept submissions that are currently under review at other venues. However, in this case, our page limits apply. Please also check the dual submission policy of the other venue.

AstraZeneca Healthcare & Bio Track

We are happy to announce the additional Healthcare and Chem/Bio applications track, which is genereously sponsored by AstraZeneca. Authors will have the options to flag if they want to be considered for this track. The graph learning / mining paper that has the most convincing healthcare / chem / bio application will receive an award.


9.00h Introduction
9.05h Keynote
Yllka Velaj:
Embedding and Clustering of Attributed Multiplex Networks
10.05h Contributed Talk
Leshanshui Yang, Clement Chatelain, Sebastien Adam:
Inductive Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs with Accumulative Causal Walk Alignment
10.20h Contributed Talk
Silvia Beddar-Wiesing, Dominik Köhler:
Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Distance for Heterogeneous and Temporal Graphs
10.35h Pitch Talks (group A)
11.00h Coffee + Poster Session (group A)
12.30h Contributed Talk
Andreas Roth, Franka Bause, Nils M Kriege, Thomas Liebig:
Message-Passing on Directed Acyclic Graphs Prevents Over-Smoothing.
12.45h Contributed Talk
Pavel Procházka, Marek Dědič, Lukáš Bajer:
Convolutional Signal Propagation: A Simple Scalable Algorithm for Hyper-Graphs.
13.00h Lunch Break
14.00h Keynote
Haggai Maron:
Exploiting Symmetries for Learning in Deep Weight Spaces
15.00h Contributed Talk
Thijs Snelleman, Bram M Renting, Holger Hoos, Jan N. Van Rijn:
Edge-Based Graph Component Pooling
15.15h Contributed Talk
Carlos C. Vonessen Wilson, Florian Grötschla, Roger Wattenhofer:
Next Level Message-Passing with Hierarchical Support Graphs
15.30h Pitch Talks (group B)
16.00h Coffee + Poster Session (group B)
17.45h Conclusion and Awards

Accepted Papers

  1. Alex Romanova (2024):
    Utilizing Pre-Final Vectors from GNN Graph Classification for Enhanced Climate Analysis.

    [group A] [pdf] [poster]

  2. Andreas Roth (2024):
    A Gentle Introduction to Over-Smoothing.

    [group A] [pdf]

  3. Andreas Roth, Franka Bause, Nils M Kriege, Thomas Liebig (2024):
    Message-Passing on Directed Acyclic Graphs Prevents Over-Smoothing.

    [group B] [pdf]

  4. Carlos C. Vonessen Wilson, Florian Grötschla, Roger Wattenhofer (2024):
    Next Level Message-Passing with Hierarchical Support Graphs.

    [group B] [pdf]

  5. Caterina Graziani, Tamara Drucks, Fabian Jogl, Monica Bianchini, Franco Scarselli, Thomas Gärtner (2024):
    The Expressive Power of Path-Based Graph Neural Networks.

    [group B] [pdf]

  6. Florian Seiffarth (2024):
    RuleGNNs: A Rule Based Approach for Learning on Graphs.

    [group A] [pdf]

  7. Golnaz Taheri, Mahnaz Habibi, Tahereh Sedghamiz (2024):
    Machine learning-based Prediction for Drug-Drug Interaction Using a Knowledge Graph.

    [group A] [pdf]

  8. Leshanshui Yang, Clement Chatelain, Sebastien Adam (2024):
    Inductive Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs with Accumulative Causal Walk Alignment.

    [group A] [pdf]

  9. Manuel Dileo, Raffaele Olmeda, Margherita Pindaro, Matteo Zignani (2024):
    Graph Machine Learning for fast product development from formulation trials.

    [group B] [pdf]

  10. Pavel Procházka, Marek Dědič, Lukáš Bajer (2024):
    Convolutional Signal Propagation: A Simple Scalable Algorithm for Hyper-Graphs.

    [group B] [pdf]

  11. Silvia Beddar-Wiesing, Dominik Köhler (2024):
    Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Distance for Heterogeneous and Temporal Graphs.

    [group A] [pdf]

  12. Sümeyye Baş, Kiymet Kaya, Resul Tugay, Şule Öğüdücü (2024):
    Data Augmentation in Graph Neural Networks: The Role of Generated Synthetic Graphs.

    [group B] [pdf] [poster]

  13. Thijs Snelleman, Bram M Renting, Holger Hoos, Jan N. Van Rijn (2024):
    Edge-Based Graph Component Pooling.

    [group B] [pdf] [poster]

  14. Yannis Karmim, Leshanshui Yang, Raphael Fournier-S'niehotta, Nicolas Thome, Clement Chatelain, Sebastien Adam (2024):
    Temporal receptive field in dynamic graph learning: A comprehensive analysis.

    [group B] [pdf]

Invited Main Conference Papers

  1. Clemens Damke, Eyke Hüllermeier (2024):
    CUQ-GNN: Committee-based Graph Uncertainty Quantification using Posterior Networks.

    [group B]

  2. Florian Chen, Felix Q Weitkämper, Sagar Malhotra (2024):
    Understanding Domain-Size Generalization in Markov Logic Networks.

    [group A]

  3. Franka Bause, Christian Permann, Nils M Kriege (2024):
    Approximating the Graph Edit Distance with Compact Neighborhood Representations.

    [group A]

  4. Franka Bause, Samir Moustafa, Johannes Langguth, Wilfried Gansterer, Nils M Kriege (2024):
    On the Two Sides of Redundancy in Graph Neural Networks.

    [group B]

  5. Giuseppe Serra, Mathias Niepert (2024):
    L2XGNN: Learning to Explain Graph Neural Networks.

    [group B]

  6. Lukas Berner, Henning Meyerhenke (2024):
    Introducing Total Harmonic Resistance for Graph Robustness under Edge Deletions.

    [group B]

  7. Marco Markwald, Elena Demidova (2024):
    REFUEL: Rule Extraction for Imbalanced Neural Node Classification.

    [group A]

  8. Matteo Ninniri, Marco Podda, Davide Bacciu (2024):
    Classifier-free graph diffusion for molecular property targeting.

    [group A]

  9. Richard Serrano, Baptiste Jeudy, Christine Largeron, Charlotte Laclau (2024):
    Reconstructing the Unseen: Attributed Graph Imputation with Optimal Transport.

    [group A]

  10. Wei Ye, Hao Tian, Shuhao Tang, Xin Sun (2024):
    Enhancing Shortest-Path Graph Kernels via Graph Augmentation.

    [group A]

  11. Yuhe Bai, Camelia Constantin, Hubert Naacke (2024):
    Leiden-Fusion Partitioning Method for Effective Distributed Training of Graph Embeddings.

    [group A]

  12. Zeyuan Zhao, Qingqing Ge, Anfeng Cheng, Yiding Liu, Xiang Li, Shuaiqiang Wang (2024):
    HetCAN: A Heterogeneous Graph Cascade Attention Network with Dual-Level Awareness.

    [group B]


During the workshop we held two community votes. One for the best paper award as well as one for the best poster award. Furthermore, we were able to hand out the AstraZeneca Healthcare & Bio Award. We thank Astra Zeneca for the generous sponsorship of our awards!

Best Paper

  1. Carlos C. Vonessen Wilson, Florian Grötschla, Roger Wattenhofer (2024):
    Next Level Message-Passing with Hierarchical Support Graphs.

    [group B] [pdf]

Best Poster

  1. Manuel Dileo, Raffaele Olmeda, Margherita Pindaro, Matteo Zignani (2024):
    Graph Machine Learning for fast product development from formulation trials.

    [group B] [pdf]

AstraZeneca Healthcare & Bio Award

  1. Thijs Snelleman, Bram M Renting, Holger Hoos, Jan N. Van Rijn (2024):
    Edge-Based Graph Component Pooling.

    [group B] [pdf] [poster]


Program Committee

Previous Workshops

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